Project Journal: Week 8 (October 16-23th)

Work has been done on adding constraints to the different tables already within Amazon Web Services. We're used to using OracleSQL so we're on that little learning curve that lets us migrate from OracleSQL to MySQL (not a big difference). Next week we will introduce to our classmates the progress we have made, so we … Seguir leyendo Project Journal: Week 8 (October 16-23th)

Project Journal: Week 7 (October 9-16th)

The tables were reviewed again; at the end some columns were added and others were removed. Changes were made to the excel file to keep CRUD up-to-date on the changes that were made. Work has been done on the issues that are emerging by working with Amazon Web Services. Next week we will have our … Seguir leyendo Project Journal: Week 7 (October 9-16th)

Project Journal: Week 6 (October 2-9th)

After Semana i, a meeting was held with the client to obtain feedback and to report the progress of the project. We moved our database from the university web server (more complex to access it) to Amazon Web Services (using MySQL). So, we can tell that we already complete the database part.


¡Hola a todos! Ahora, contrario a la costumbre, haré un paréntesis y hablaré de otro libro también relacionado a la Evaluación y administración de proyectos. Este libro lleva por nombre "The Deadline: A Novel about Project Management" y fue escrito por Tom DeMarco. Contrario a lo que he estado haciendo con el libro de McConnell, aquí … Seguir leyendo Deadline

Preparaciones finales

¡Hola a todos! Continuamos hablando del libro de Software Project Survival Guide, de Steve McConnell. Ahora toca hablar del último tema referente a las preparaciones de un proyecto, precisamente el capítulo se llama "Preparaciones finales". Vamos a ver un poco de qué trata. Muchos de los temas que aquí se abordarán ya fueron vistos en otras … Seguir leyendo Preparaciones finales